About Student Advocacy and Support

Worried about a student? We can help.

The Advocacy & Support team is here for students who are experiencing mental or physical health concerns, extreme personal hardship, or traumatic life events including:

  • Suicidal ideation or attempt
  • Hospitalization for mental health and physcial health crisis
  • Personal loss and grief
  • Disturbances on campus or in the classroom
  • Difficulty managing multiple or extreme stressors
  • Unhealthy eating habits/concern for eating disorders
  • Uncharacteristic changes in mood or behavior
  • Poor coping mechanisms such as substance abuse and self-harm
  • Showing symptoms of overwhelming distress causing ineffective or unhealthy coping strategies
  • Exhibiting disproportionate emotional responses to situational stressors
  • Marked changes in personal appearance resulting from poor maintenance and hygiene
  • Disruption to academic progress or ability to engage with coursework

Submit a Student Concern Report

Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to share these concerns with our team so that we can help engage additional campus and community resources to support the student’s well-being. When uncertain if a referral to Student Advocacy and Support is appropriate, please call (402) 472-0878.

When a student concern is reported, our team conducts a risk assessment to determine if the case should be addressed by a case manager in our office, elevated to the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) or elavated to  Threat Assessment.

How we can help

We provide non-clinical intervention, support, and advocacy for students.

  • A - Assistance navigating campus and community resources, policies and/or conflicts
  • D - Develop skills for self-advocacy
  • V - Validate identities and experiences 
  • O - Open dialogue and listening without judgement 
  • C - Collaborate with university and Lincoln community to support students
  • A - Accompany to on-campus meetings or appointments
  • T - Tailor approach to individual needs
  • E - Elevate concerns when needed


Absence Notification to Faculty

Students who experience unanticipated hardships or medical emergencies can request that a staff member in the Student Advocacy & Support notify faculty members of an absence.

Emergency Foundational Needs

When students experience unanticipated loss of foundational needs (housing, food, clothing, hygiene products, etc.), Student Advocacy & Support can provide referrals to campus and community resources.

Medical Withdrawals from the University

Sometimes physical or mental health concerns are so intense that they completely interfere with a student’s ability to perform academically. In such circumstances, Student Advocacy & Support can assist students in understanding and navigating withdrawals for medical reasons. Contact studentadvocacy@unl.edu or (402) 472-0878 to discuss the withdrawal process. 

Students should not completely withdraw from the university for a medical reason without first consulting with their academic advisor, the Office of Student Advocacy & Support and Husker Hub.