Emergency Basic Needs

Emergency Funding

  • The University of Nebraska-Lincoln may be able to provide emergency financial assistance to students affected by an unexpected, unplanned, financial emergency. 
  • We are accepting applications and may award up to $1,500 to eligible students.
  • Resources are limited and students may only receive funding once. 
Learn More About Emergency Funding

Emergency Housing

  • If an emergency situation arises off campus that results in a UNL student being displaced from their off-campus housing, University Housing and Dining Services may be able to provide on-campus housing.
  • Emergency situations could include fires, floods or any significant emergency that displaces student.  University residence hall emergency housing should not be used to mitigate roommate conflicts between private apartment residents, as isolation for infectious disease or as temporary housing for student in between apartment leases.
Learn More About Emergency Housing

Food Insecurity

  • Nearly 1 in 3 Husker students worries about not having enough food until they get money to buy more.
  • The Husker Pantry helps address students’ food insecurities in a friendly and welcoming space.