Faculty & Staff FAQs

Most Common FAQs

Is there a resource I can keep with me?
  • Yes, the Big Red Folder is a resource guide designed to help faculty and staff address concerns that arise with their students. 
What should I do about excessive absences or missing assignments?
  • Excessive absences or missing assignments should first be reported to the Academic Navigator Team. If you are aware that multiple life stressors or a recent crisis may be the reason a student has stopped engaging, please complete a student of concern report
I have learned that a student has been harassed or assaulted. What do I need to do?
  • Refer the student to the Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education office for confidential services. 
  • Report the information to the University Title IX Office. All individuals are expected to promptly report conduct that may violate the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy to the University. Although the University does not limit the time frame for reporting sexual misconduct to promote timely and effective review, the University strongly encourages individuals to report possible sexual misconduct within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days of the last occurrence of the concerning conduct. A report made after one hundred and eighty (180) days may make it more difficult to gather relevant and reliable information. In addition, all individuals are expected to report conduct that may also violate criminal law to both the Title IX Coordinator and local law enforcement.  These processes are not mutually exclusive and both may happen simultaneously or at different times.
A student shared something with me and asked that I keep it confidential. What am I required to report?
  • All individuals are expected to promptly report conduct that may violate the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy to the University (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation). 
When is it appropriate to contact University Police or dial 911?
  • The mission of the University Police Department is to provide an environment of safety and security which ensures a peaceful quality of life in the university community by establishing collaborative partnerships with students, faculty, staff and visitors. If a student discloses imminent threat of harm to self or others, please contact UNLPD (2-2222) or dial 911 immediately. 
A student in my class seems distressed, what do I do?
  • Speak with the individual privately
  • Let them know you are concerned and willing to help
  • Listen carefully and compassionately; then, explore options
  • Keep healthy boundaries and limits
  • Identify resources and make referrals
A student appears to be experiencing a psychological emergency, what do I do?
A student in my class is being disruptive and I've tried everything I know to do, what now?
  • Behavior that interferes with the campus's learning environment is considered disruptive. 
    It is important to recognize that the period of peak anger usually lasts for a brief period of time.

    What are some examples…?

    • Persistent and unreasonable demands for time and attention
    • Aggressive or defiant behavior
    • Words or actions that intimidate or harass
    • Words or actions that cause another to fear for their personal safety

    How can I respond to a disruptive person?

    • Do not ignore disruptive behavior
    • Remember that anger usually passes quickly
    • Calmly let the student know that the behavior is inappropriate
    • Disruptive behavior should be documented


    • Use silence to allow the student to tell you what is upsetting them
    • Acknowledge the feelings of the individual
    • Be firm, steady, consistent, and honest
    • Focus on what you can do to help the student problem solve
    • Make personal referrals to appropriate resources
    • Communicate your concerns with Student Advocacy and Support (402.472.0878 or studentadvocacy@unl.edu)

    In a crisis situation, or if you feel threatened or endangered, call 2-2222 or 911.

How can I request a presentation or training from the Office of Student Advocacy and Support?
When will the Office of Student Advocacy and Support contact faculty and/or staff?
  • The Office of Student Advocacy and Support will contact faculty and/or staff when:
    • A student has requested a formal absence notification due to a prolonged and verified absence
    • The student has requested a medical withdrawal and dates of engagement are needed
    • A student of concern report was submitted by the faculty/staff member and additional information is needed or follow-up information is available
    • The student has experienced significantly distressing/disturbing/disruptive behavior in one class and information about class performance/engagement in other classes is needed