Parents & Families FAQs


I'm concerned about my student, what should I do?
  • Parents and family members are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Student Advocacy and Support to share their concerns. Please call (402) 472-0878 to speak to a member of the team or complete a student of concern form.
What resources are available if a friend or family member of a current student dies? What about when a current student's loved one has a serious injury, illness, etc.?
  • The Office of Student Advocacy and Support can help current students get connected with both on campus and off campus resources to best support their holistic well-being. If a student has experienced a recent major life event that is impacting their engagement on campus, please complete a student of concern form
What resources are available if a student has experienced a personal emergency or hospitalization?
  • The Office of Student Advocacy and Support can send verified absence notifications to faculty and other campus entities with which the student is connected (Fraternity and Sorority Life, campus employment, leadership postions, etc.).
What should a student do if they are anticipating being absent?
  • If a student is anticipating an upcoming absence they should communicate that absence in advance to their faculty. 
Does the Office of Student Advocacy and Support excuse absences or offer academic accommodations?
  • No. While formal absence notifications can be sent on behalf of a student who is unexpectedly absent for an extended period of time (more than 3 days), this does not supercede a faculty's jurisdiction to set absence policies in their class. It is the responsibility of the student to connect with their faculty upon their return to campus to make a plan for making up missed work. The Advocacy and Support team can assist with time management and organization to help students get caught up. 
  • Request for academic accommodations must be made with Services for Students with Disabilities
My student needs medication management for an ongoing medical condition. Where can they get this kind of support?
  • The University Health Center offers a variety of services available to all fee-paying students. Some services are free and others are available at an assessed cost. 
Does the Office of Student Advocacy and Support provide assistance with IEPs?
My student has experienced a medical condition that impacted their engagement on campus this semester. What options do they have?
  • A medical withdrawal may be an appropriate option for a student who has experienced a medical condition that has impacted their engagement on campus. A student who is interested in learning more about the medical withdrawal should schedule a meeting with a member of our team.
Can the Office of Student Advocacy and Support talk to me about my student's college experience, grades, enrollment, financial aid package, etc.?
  • The Office of Student Advocacy and Support is guided by the privacy restrictions set out by FERPA and therefore cannot share information without a signed release of information from the student.